ferhat abbasの例文
- Its most prominent members were Mohamed Bendjelloul and Ferhat Abbas.
- A few rose to positions of prominence, such as the former President, Ferhat Abbas.
- The anti-colonialist movement had started organizing itself before World War II, under Messali Hadj and Ferhat Abbas.
- In December 1942, Ferhat Abbas drafted an Algerian Manifesto, and presented it to both the Allied and French authorities.
- Ferhat Abbas, a moderate unconnected with the Political Bureau, who had previously headed the GPRA, was elected prime minister.
- Matsou's political agitation began in a similar way as Ferhat Abbas'in Algeria, by a public call for civil rights.
- On the other hand, nationalist leader Ferhat Abbas founded the Algerian Popular Union ( " Union populaire alg閞ienne " ) in 1938.
- Ferhat Abbas and Messali Hadj's movements had marked the period between the two wars, but both sides radicalised after the Second World War.
- On August 9, 1961 he was appointed the president of the provisional government and completed negotiations with France, which were started by Ferhat Abbas.
- In March 1943, Muslim leader Ferhat Abbas presented the French administration with the Manifesto of the Algerian People, signed by 56 Algerian nationalist and international leaders.
- European influences had some impact on indigenous Muslim political movements because Ferhat Abbas and Messali Hadj even with opposite views, essentially looked to France for their more secular ideological models.
- Due to Pakistan's support to the cause of Algerian struggle for independence and self-determination, Ferhat Abbas was given a Pakistani diplomatic passport for his foreign travels.
- After studying medicine in Paris, France, Francis returned to Algeria where he became involved with the movement for Algerian rights headed by his relative, the moderate nationalist Ferhat Abbas.
- Since the 1930s, B閚i Abb鑣 has been the exile place of several political and historical Algerian figures such as Ferhat Abbas, Mohammed Memchaoui, Sheikh Abdelkader El Yadjouri and Sheikh Sliman Boudjnah.
- In building his one-party regime, Ben Bella purged remaining dissidents ( such as Ferhat Abbas ), but also quickly ran into opposition from Boum閐i鑞e as he tried to assert himself independently from the army.
- Unlike most of the FLN leadership, he had no previous involvement with the Algerian nationalist groups, such as the Parti du Peuple Alg閞ien ( PPA ) of Messali Hadj or the UDMA of Ferhat Abbas, or even with the religious Ulama movement of shaykh Ben Badis.
- "' Taher "'(, " Al-Tahir "; ), is Algerian city, the industrial center of Jijel Province, with its industrial area of Ouled Salah, the airport of Achouat-Ferhat Abbas and the port of Djen Djen.
- Speaking for the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic ( the political arm of the FLN ), Ferhat Abbas called for a boycott of the referendum, as did sixteen retired French generals and factions amongst the " pied noir " ( French settler ) community opposed to independence.
- However, immediately after Algeria's independence, and before his agreement with the Moroccan King Muhammad V could be formally ratified, the first Algerian provisional president Ferhat Abbas was purged from the FLN government by a military-backed coalition led by the first Algerian provisional president Ahmad Ben Bella.